Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life's Little Discouragements vs. My Stubborn Persistence

Ok, I have to admit that this past week I was really close to giving up on the whole "Russian Project." What makes it worse is that the whole reason is money. I hate money troubles; I've had them practically my whole life. I keep being told to budget in enough money for unexpected government and school-related problems (which I am trying to do). However, I first have to earn enough money to purchase my plane ticket and to cover all the costs for the first month or so until I start receiving my salary. Yesterday I realized that it no longer matters that I am putting in 11 hour work days, by the time I leave for Russia, I still won't have enough money to cover everything.

This being said I have decided that I am going to apply for a loan. While I hate doing so, I can see no other option right now. If something arises that makes it absolutely impossible for me to go and give it a try, then I can live with that - as long as I have done everything possible. I strongly feel like Russia is where I am supposed to be, and I know that if I give up now, I will always regret it. And I don't have regrets.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 94:19 When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul.

-- Your hopefully, soon-to-be Russian Traveler --

I have officially received my loan. I am so thankful! The whole process went much smoother than I expected, and I have enough to cover most of my costs and start an emergency fund. God is so good!


  1. Very tough one. Good luck on getting approved for the loan. Yeah, a lack of money is one thing that will for sure doom many new overseas teachers this fall. Good luck, keep us posted.

  2. Best wishes for your trip.

    Russia is an amazing country, and once you are there you will realise that all the problems getting to Russia were worthwhile.

    I first arrived in Russia as a TEFL teacher many years ago, and never looked back.


  3. hey, we can all relate to those moscow money troubles !
    good luck!

  4. I remember that before I moved out to Poland it was tough with money. I literally had to sell everything I owned to do so :)

    But I have no regrets, moving to eastern Europe gave me so many new experiences. Just promise yourself one thing, that you'll hide the emergency fund away somewhere and only use it for just that - emergencies!

    it's easier said than done!

