Monday, November 15, 2010

Because I'm in Love (or Obsessed)

Caution: This post has almost nothing to do with Russia, but I had to include it because I'm obsessed and in love.

I am so in love right now that I just had to write about it, despite it's next-to-nothing relevance to Russia. Josh Groban just released his latest album, Illuminations. And, I completely understand that I just showed you my inner nerd with the last two sentences, but I don't care!

I remember when I first discovered Josh Groban. My parents had his CD stashed away among their collections, and I came across it one day as I was rummaging through their things (before you judge, you should remember that parents give up their right to privacy when they have kids). I saw the CD with his face on the front, and I admit, his gorgeous face drew my pre-teen attention (I was only like 12 or 13 at the time). I listened to it a time or two, liked it and put it aside and forgot about him. A year or two later, I came across the CD again and fell completely under the Josh Groban spell. Seriously, J.K. Rowling may as well have invented something for it, because I was mesmerized. I especially loved the song "Vincent."

Fast forward several more years later and you find me as the proud owner of the self-titled Josh Groban, Closer, Awake, Noel, the single from the soundtrack Troy Remember, and a couple of other random singles. (I still have to get the soundtrack to Chess that he did though.) And now, now I am the even prouder owner of "Illuminations: Deluxe Edition!" You could plausibly call me obsessed, but I whole-heartedly claim it to be a healthy obsession.

So, a little bit about Illuminations.
Illuminations was unlike his other CDs in many ways. To begin with, most of the songs were written by Josh Groban himself. This means they are more personal, and the CD has fewer covers (which I adore). Secondly, the goal of the CD was to be more real and less perfect. He tries more things with his voice that his more classical songs shy away from, such as falsetto. You also hear less of the typical "adult-contemporary pop" beats and more of a random mix of sounds like African drums. He even has one song "The Wandering Kind" that is completely instrumental (I think I read that he wrote it when he was around 12).

In addition, the publicity for this album has been crazy. I am a follower on facebook, so for the past several months, I have been receiving updates and early single release notices. Many of the songs were released to the public early through singles and music videos. They were like mini-teasers, making you long for more. I became obsessed with the new album after I heard the early-release of "Hidden Away." Then to ice the cake, Josh Groban had the entire CD up for your listening pleasure a day early on facebook. So, last night I stayed awake listening to it for hours, determined that I would buy it on iTunes as soon as it was released in the US (although due to technical difficulties, I was about an hour behind schedule at the time of purchase).

I love this CD! It is by far one of his best! Below are listed some of my favorites from the album.

1. Bells of New York City - the first song on the album that completely blew me away last night. I love the passion and darker musical undertones.

2. Galileo - I means seriously, who else can get away singing a song about a random dead astronomer. Although different in music and intentions, it reminds me of his cover "Vincent."

3. War at Home - Listen to it. Now. Beautiful. And remember this is the singer who did the greatest version of "I'll be Home for Christmas" due to its military undertones.

4. Hidden Away - As previously mentioned, this is the song that made me obsessed with buying this CD. The lyrics alone make me melt.

5. If I Walk Away and Voce Existe Em Mim - both slightly eccentric (at least compared to his usual) musically. If I Walk Away has more of a plucked-string approach. Voce Existe Em Mim is his first Portuguese song and uses African drums.

6. The cover of "Straight to You" - Just beautiful and heart-warming.

Other Favorites by Josh Groban (or as I like to refer to him: My future husband)

In no particular order
1. So She Dances
2. February Song
3. Broken Vow
4. Remember
5. My Confession
6. Now or Never
7. Hymne a l'amour
8. Vincent
9. Never Let Go
10. Mi Mancherai - I'm melting again

So, do yourself a favor and buy his latest (or any of his) album(s). Listen and feel your entire body melt into one gigantic puddle. Guys, if you aren't in the melting state-of-mind, buy it for your girl and let her melt into you. Seriously.

Russian Traveller

P.S. Please note that the whole obsession tone of voice should be taken as a joke. I definitely appreciate amazing musical talent, but there should be no cause for concern that I am going to turn into some creepy stalker with stacks of magazines and a couple of glue sticks.

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